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Graphical representation of a computer screen displaying two parts of the brain and the word 'AI'  in the center. A woman is sitting on top of the screen with a laptop and a man is standing beside the screen with a symbol that represents speech output

You hear about AI every day. Whether you're ready to embrace it or not, there are so many ways we're already using AI, and an unfathomable number of ways we'll be using it in the future.  

Here at Dolphin, we’re considering the positive ways AI can be embedded into our assistive technology. How might we use it to remove barriers for our customers, or to make our tools more flexible and intuitive to every unique user.

What is AI?

AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is technology that enables computers and machines to perform complex tasks. These might include understanding language, recognizing images, solving problems and improving processes. The more AI is used, the more information it acquires through interactions with its environment and the context of its use. As a result, AI learns and improves. However, there's a catch: when the data sets AI uses to learn from are biased in any way, it can learn that too.

graphic of person sitting next to a large tablet screen that is merged with the image of an open printed book. Nearby is a person in a wheelchair holding a tablet and reading

Assistive Technology and AI

AI can significantly enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities, through a variety of applications and technologies.

Here are some technologies currently leveraging AI, along with some that will have greater impact embedded with AI to accommodate different types of disabilities:




Visual Impairments

  1. Screen Readers like Dolphin SuperNova can read out text on the screen. These help visually impaired individuals use computers to interact with the web and the widest array of Windows applications.

  2. Image Recognition apps like Seeing AI and Be My Eyes use AI to describe the surroundings, read text within an image and recognize faces or objects.

  3. Navigation Assistance such as Aira and Google Maps, offer audio guidance for independent travel.

Hearing Impairments

  1. Speech-to-Text transcription services like Google Live Transcribe and convert spoken words into text in real-time, to aid communication.

  2. Sign Language Recognition AI algorithms can interpret sign language. They translate it into text or speech to facilitate better communication between hearing and non-hearing individuals.

  3. Hearing Aids. Modern hearing aids use AI to filter background noise and enhance speech understanding.

Motor Impairments

  1. Voice Assistants powered by AI, are already familiar. Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistant allow users to control devices and perform tasks hands-free.

  2. Adaptive Interfaces. AI can customize user interfaces based on individual needs. This can make it easier for people with motor impairments to interact with technology.

  3. Robotic Assistance such as AI-driven robotic arms and exoskeletons can help individuals perform daily activities and improve mobility.

Cognitive Impairments

  1. Reminder Systems: AI applications can provide reminders for medications, appointments, and daily tasks, supporting individuals with memory impairments.

  2. Educational Tools: AI-based educational programs can adapt to the learning pace and style of individuals with cognitive disabilities, providing personalized support.

  3. Communication Aids: AI can facilitate communication for those with speech and language difficulties through predictive text and alternative communication devices.

General Accessibility

  1. Automatic Captioning uses AI to generate real-time captions for videos and live events, making content accessible to people with hearing impairments.

  2. Accessible Book Readers like EasyReader Premium by Dolphin make accessible book formats available to people with all types of print disabilities. It enables them to adjust a variety of preferences, to read independently in ways that suit their individual needs.

  3. Language Translation services powered by AI can translate text and speech into multiple languages, including sign language and Braille.

  4. Smart Home Technology devices use AI controlled through voice commands or mobile apps. These providing greater independence to individuals with a range of different disabilities.

These advancements highlight the potential of AI in creating a more inclusive world for people with disabilities, when used to enhance and transform independence and quality of life.


Build your knowledge around the latest AI advancements in AT accommodations at the Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) Conference -January 2025 in Orlando, Florida.

ATIA Conference January 30 to February 1, Orlando World Center Marriott

ATIA 2025 is where the assistive technology community gathers to be immersed in the latest technological innovations, gain fresh insights, and connect with peers.

As an attendee, you’ll discover new technologies and creative ideas that enhance the learning, working and daily living of persons with disabilities.

The ATIA 2025 Conference will take place January 30 - February 1, 2025, with additional Pre-Conference Seminars beginning on January 29.

If you can't attend in person - Register to attend virtually

TAt ATIA, there will be over 30 sessions with a focus on artificial intelligence, including: 

  • What AI Invisibilizes: Critical Perspectives on Emergent AT
  • AI: A New Ally for Teachers and Related Service Providers
  • Insights in AI: Unveiling Realities and Myths for Visionary Solutions
  • 10+ Generative AI Activities/Integration Ideas for the Low-Incidence Educator
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools for Consumers of AT Research
  • AI Tools for Educators: Maximizing Resources, Streamlining Workloads

    We encourage you to attend ATIA 2025 and visit Dolphin at booth 506!

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